Hello, my name is Kim

& I love travelling the world!

I caught the travel bug in 2018 when I made my first overseas journey to Greece. I was very much a late comer to travel, as I'd married and had children young and not made time for anything else.

Post-divorce I realised that there was so much more that I wanted to do with my life, and travelling the world was the number one thing I wanted to achieve before I got too old. I also really wanted to have my own "Shirley Valentine" adventure, and I happily achieved that in Greece! Now, I have an incredible independence and a huge hunger for adventure and solo travel.

Since then I have visited 12 countries, and the desire to see more gets stronger every year. However travel isn't cheap, and I still need to earn an income.

I am studying Travel at Tafe, and hope to obtain employment within the Travel/Tourism industry soon. Whether that be in-house or remotely.